Monday, September 7, 2009

Homemade Natural Lip Balm & Scrub

I found these great little plastic containers at CVS a couple weeks ago. They're the perfect size for keeping all little masks and soaps and salts in the shower too.
One of my favorite little beauty rituals used to be using my Mary Kay Satin Lips set every night. There was a lip mask and a silky balm. Well, I've run out and while I could buy more, I have no idea what's in the stuff, and I've been wanting to make my own lip balm for a bit now. I also made my own lovely little scrub. I will use it and feel PRETTY! (Guys can also use this and feel _____ (insert masculine good feeling adjective here - sharp, cool, smooth, handsome, "hot as fire", whatever).

Megan's Lip Scrub


Dead Sea Salt
Carrier Oil (I used Grapeseed Oil)

1. Fill container about 3/4 of the way full with half sugar and half Dead Sea salt.
2. Put lid on and shake to mix.
3. Pour in carrier oil until salt/sugar mixture is covered.
4. Stir with a toothpick or chopstick.

Megan's Marvelous Lip Balm


2 Tbsp. Beeswax
3 Tbsp. Carrier Oil (I used Jojoba Oil)
2 Vitamin E Capsules (Prick the end and squeeze out contents. Great for your skin, and a good natural preservative)
1 Tbsp. Honey
1 Tbsp. Mango Butter (I'm sure you could use Shea Butter as well)
1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
10 drops of Essential Oil (I put in tea tree, sweet orange, & grapefruit)

1. Put all the ingredients (except the essential oil) in a Pyrex measuring cup (or a similar pourable container).
2. Melt ingredients by placing the Pyrex cup in a half full pot of boiling water and stirring continuously.
3. Once all the ingredients are melted remove the Pyrex cup with a hot pad and add essential oils.
4. Pour mixture into containers and let solidify (you can place it in the freezer to speed up the process)

For other fun at home body products, check out Rachel's recent Bath & Beauty Roundup at One Pretty Thing

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