Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Peace and Rest

Peace is always beautiful., originally uploaded by sungazing on Flickr.
I love my God! I've had a thought rolling around in my head today, and like most thoughts that roll around in there, it isn't exactly complete. The thought is mostly just a feeling of gratitude trying to find its expression in my feeble attempt at coherent articulation. 
I've coined myself as a recovering overachiever/perfectionist before, and it is that part of me that so adores the redemption and example of my God right now. Work is good. Creation of ideas and industry and productivity. Service and learning and labor with diligence and excellence. Building and investing in the Kingdom of God. All of this is not only good, but part of our privilege as stewards of God's creation. Most of us, actually enjoy working (maybe not in our actual job, but in something). I love the intentionality with which God works as He creates in Genesis. I love the satisfaction He exhibits in a job well done. Wanna know what else I love?
I love that He rests! He doesn't rest because He needs to. He doesn't rest as a way to sit back and admire His creation a bit more or start planning the next world that He's going to create. I don't think He even rests to make sure that every 7th day of the week we do the same. I think He rests because it is good!!!
Work is good, and rest is good! Too much work, is not just work, it's obsession, and an attempt at proving one's own self-worth on the wrong terms. Too much rest, is not just rest, it's laziness, and a prideful assertion of one's own value apart from anyone or anything else. But God shows us how both are good. I love that! 
I love that rhythms of rest are built into creation, into our bodies, into our relationships. God is so good! And His ways are life-giving.
As I come to the end of yet another semester, rest seems just out of reach. I still have two weeks of some pretty intense work ahead of me. But it is good! And my dear husband has made extra efforts to make my life at home a place of peace and rest despite the chaotic rush of the season.
Another thing I love about God? His peace. Even when I am working my tail off and trying to manage chaotic life issues, peace can reign in my heart because my Prince's throne sits there too. My wonderful, merciful Savior. My precious Redeemer and Friend. My mighty God, everlasting Father. My Prince of Peace. I love You!

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