Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hunting for Houses and Churches!

Starting with churches...We've been looking for a church for about a year now, with obviously breaks for life transitions in between. We'd still like to visit one more, but we're thinking about settling ourselves down at Crossbridge Community Church. We've gone there about three times now and each time we are impressed by an additional aspect of the church's fellowship, worship, or ministry. They're working through a series right now on grace as we look at the book of Galatians. The only thing is...we don't want to miss a Sunday! :) So we don't know how soon we'll be visiting this one other church we were wanting to look at or if we will at all. 
Today one of the small groups hosted a small lunch called "Fusion," where newbies could come and meet some of the staff and members, ask questions and get connected. They are just a dynamic, Christ-loving group of people that really seem to have their priorities in the right place. Praise God! :)
On a slightly more interesting note, we went pretend house hunting today. Yes...that's right...PRETEND! We went to an open house on this amazing home that we simply will never be able to afford. It was SO fun!!! So we're probably going to do this more. You know, go on Sunday drives as a family and drive through nice neighborhoods until we find open houses and then walk through them and get the brochures and talk about what we would do with each room. 
Some might think this is an exercise in discontentment, but it's actually quite the opposite. We are so happy and content with our lives! And it's cool to pretend and find that even in our pretending to have cool stuff, it isn't the cool stuff that makes us happy and content.

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