Thursday, May 21, 2009

Radiant Folks!

My family is quite the bunch! Each unique, lovely, and beautiful in their individual ways. And as I watch them grow (my parents included) I am both amazed and befuddled at how truth shines through their lives, almost as constant parables to remind me through different situations about God's grace and love.
My parents were recently celebrated at their homeschool support group's spring program for 14 years of service through leadership. A lot of their leadership was driven by wanting to provide specific opportunities for their children and to serve other families with similar areas of need. These folks are definitely to of the greatest heroes in my life and for such a long time I wondered why they gave up so much of their dreams to dedicate an overabudance of time, energy, and love into their children. They could have still been phenomenal parents if they didn't. Then I thought about my relationship with my son, Elliot and how Evan and I's worlds were turned upside-down when he was born. It was then that I realized that they didn't necessarily give up on their dreams, their dreams might not even have changed, but a new dream took precedence. I shared some of these thoughts at their celebration and it inspired my sister to write a beautiful song for me on Mothers Day (she is also one through which radiance often makes a breath-taking appearance). And I wanted to share it here. Hopefully, we can get it recorded soon! :)


Figs ®

She found her making pancakes as she walked through the kitchen door

And then she had a thought that she had never had before

Look at how beautiful and gracious she is

I bet you didn’t plan to spend your life like this

You could have done anything you wished

 And Mom said:


Maybe I had other plans

But they don’t matter now

My dreams have changed over the years

I can’t explain to you how

But I have everything I ever wanted

It’s not investing in what, but in who

Baby, when I look at you

I see all my dreams come true

 Verse 2:

She found her father once again, paying bills, checkbook in hand

Amazed at the consistency and legacy of the man

Look at how loving and strong he is

I bet you didn’t plan to spend your life like this

You could have done anything you wished

And Dad said:


 Verse 3:

And as her husband sped through the lanes

She struggled through all the pain

Far from their minds were yesterday’s plans

When they held their surprise little boy in their hands

And she said:

Chorus II:

Maybe I had other plans

But they don’t matter now

My dreams have changed this very day

I can’t explain to you how

But now I have everything that I ever wanted

It’s not investing in what but in who

Elliot, when I look at you

I see all my dreams come true.

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