Friday, July 3, 2009

Moving 'Round the Bend

I realized that I hadn't posted our news on here yet! We did get the house that we were wanting in Upland and we signed the lease agreement on Wednesday. The house is ours on July 15th. We feel so blessed to be able to be there. I am excited about having more time with my family, and we've already been invited to a church there, as well as found a CSA - Victory Acres (thanks to Kayla!) Mimi went out and found us some amazing appliances...she's such a resourceful, bargain-hunter...we now have a refrigerator, washer & dryer.
Evan is loving his job, and they've started to introduce him as their part-time new employee that they want to make full-time as soon as possible. I just started back to work this week, and I am really excited about this coming year. In addition to my normal responsibilities, I will be teaching two other classes. One of them is new for me and the other is a class that has existed for awhile, but I will be completely restructuring into a research initiative, which is really exciting.

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