Friday, July 31, 2009

My Favorite Little Corner of the Kitchen

So we've been moved for a week now...I guess a little more than that, actually. Things aren't moving along as fast as I would like, but they are definitely moving and I am so grateful for everyone's help. While Evan went to work straight away on the music room, my first project was the kitchen - I mean, you gotta eat right?!
So here's the product of my labor so far. I'm LOVING it! We had little to no natural light in our old apartment and a sort of galley-type kitchen. This is so nice for us!

I have my little produce prep and herb drying corner!
Complete with a fruit fly trap...I got the idea from Lindsey at Passionate Homemaking. Just put a bit of apple cider vinegar and a small piece of whatever seems to be attracting the fruit flys (banana, peaches, etc.). Make a funnel out of some scrapbook paper and stick it in the top of a nice glass jar or bottle. I like the little glass container that I have with a spouted top and the netting. That way I don't have to tape the paper on to keep the flies from escaping and I don't have to see them flying around in there. It works splendidly!

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